Cancer Healing Journeys by & Love Heals Cancer

Resilience and Enlightenment: The Journey of Dr. Sreedharan

Episode Summary

Step into the inspiring world of Dr. Sreedharan on "Resilience and Enlightenment," a podcast that explores the intersection of personal adversity and profound spiritual growth. After conquering Multiple Myeloma cancer in 2008, Dr. Sreedharan turned his journey into a source of inspiration through writing, touching the lives of many with his books available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats. Dive into discussions about his influential work, including insights from his popular blog posts on national issues and highlights from his featured interview on "Voice of America." Beyond his literary achievements, Dr. Sreedharan dedicates his life to counseling cancer patients and their caregivers, drawing from his extensive training in Reiki, NLP, self-hypnosis, mystic yogic practices, and heartfulness meditation. Join us as we uncover the stories of resilience that define Dr. Sreedharan's life and work, offering lessons on overcoming adversity with grace and wisdom.